Bash script to upgrade keycloak standalone

Assuming keycloak is unpacked in the user’s home directory
for instance
is the old version and
is the new version

Configuring Nginx to have Keycloak handling auth requests in the same domain as your single page app and http api

If you want keycloak to handle auth requests in the same domain as you’re service your single page app (spa) and http api:
The prerender config comes from my prerendering proxy.
Keycloak is listening on port 4000 locally.
Continue reading “Configuring Nginx to have Keycloak handling auth requests in the same domain as your single page app and http api”

Event Driven Architecture in Go rant

This was originally a question for Stackoverflow, but it’s actually a rant.

Why bother with EDA at all? Because all I see is job offers for people specialized in “event-driven design”. In my opinion, especially when using a high performance, low resource language like Go, EDA is overkill. But anyhow, since I’d like to get that money (LGTM), I need to know about this new old born-again hype train, event-driven architecture.
Continue reading “Event Driven Architecture in Go rant”